Products of Andela

Andela Techniek & Innovatie is specialized in machine construction for the agricultural and food sector. View our innovative products below. Click on the product for more information.



Na de succesvolle ontwikkeling van het prototype hebben we in de afgelopen periode een volledig gerobotiseerde en autonoom rijdende wiedmachine gebouwd, die in verschillende gewassen en onder alle veldomstandigheden de diverse onkruiden in de rij door middel van een algoritme detecteert en vervolgens verwijdert. Dat gebeurt met hitte, waarbij de grond niet beroerd wordt en er dus geen nieuw kiembed voor nieuw onkruid ontstaat.

Prototype Andela Robot Weeder

Vragen van onze bestaande klanten (grootschalige bio-telers) en vooral de sterk afnemende beschikbaarheid van arbeidskrachten voor het handmatig verwijderen van onkruid, hebben er toe geleid dat wij ons al enige jaren focussen op de ontwikkeling van onkruid wieden in de rij door middel van robotisering. 

Solar Weeder

We have been building the Andela Solar Weeder since 2009 and it has proven to be a reliable and successful product. The Solar Weeder can be used for weed control in organic cultivation and for planting and harvesting activities. The Andela Solar Weeder is quiet, CO-2 neutral and easy to use.

Solar Pruning Mobile

The Andela Solar Pruning Mobile for tree nurseries is used for pruning young trees and for placing and removing stakes. The Pruning Mobile is quiet, CO-2 neutral and easy to use.

Multifunctional Tree- / Rootstockharvester

Multifunctional tree harvester, for harvesting trees and sawing rootstocks.

Trial field harvester

The trial field harvester harvests seed potatoes on swath. The harvester has been developed to place the potatoes separately and cleanly on the swath. 

Selection wagon for bulb cultivation

This selection wagon is electrically powered by batteries and is therefore quiet. The selection car has 2 to 6 seats, is adjustable in height and is equipped with stepless speed adjustment. The seats can easily be replaced by berths.

Self-propelled 3-bed onion harvester

In 2009, at the request of Van Beem Agro B.V. (Zeewolde, NL), we developed and built a self-propelled onion harvester on a dismantled Agrifac beet harvester.

Transfer trailer for chicory crops

In 2012 we developed and built a transfer trailer for chicory crops for De Vries Witlof B.V. (Espel, NL). 

Coming soon

Behind the scenes we are working hard on yet another innovative solution ...